Scientific research (completed or in progress) that fits in with the proposal of the Thematic Group (as stated in the topic description) will be presented in the Oral Communication format. Each paper will have up to 15 minutes to be presented and, at the end, there will be a debate on the papers presented in the session, mediated by the group coordinators.
Topics of interest |
Topic Description |
Coordinators |
Writing and Teaching | To discuss the conceptions of writing from various strands of linguistics, more specifically formalist and structuralist. However, the debate will focus on textual and discursive positions, reflecting on the political role and establishment of writing in the various stratifications of societies and in the school system |
Prof. Dr. Thomas Massao Fairchild (UFPA) Prof. Dr. Herodoto Ezequiel Fonseca da Silva (IFPA) |
Reading and Teaching | Discuss reading policies taking into account Brazilian cultural diversity, as well as the relationship between orality and writing. Address the various conceptions of reading, emphasizing the psycholinguistic, social literacy, digital and pragmatic-discursive points of view |
Profa. Dra. Isabel Cristina França dos Santos (UFPA) Profa. Dra. Eliana Yunes (PUC/Rio) |
Orality and Teaching | Discussing the teaching of orality as a priority for a school that understands language education in a society with an ethnic and cultural constitution characterized by the predominance of oral communication and presence. Discussing orality means thinking about a body that says, that is realized in the performance of the body that performs. You can't think about orality without the meanings that are realized in its various social stratifications, which are also realized in referential forms of meaning. Orality implies and is implied by writing |
Literature and Teaching | To debate literature as a singular use of language, as ways of realizing the word in which similarity is simultaneously realized in relation to difference. To study literature in relation to the experience of fruition and the possibility of being in the fullness of meaning in the bio-psychic, cultural and social world |
Prof. Dr. Fernando Maués de Farias Junior (UFPA) |
Literary Genres and Teaching | Discuss the various literary genres, considering their specificities, singularities and multimodal realizations. Focus on the hybridity of modes of expression, enunciation and performances characteristic of post-modernity |
Profa. Dra. Maria de Fátima do Nascimento (UFPA) Profa. Dra. Sylvia Maria Trusen (UFPA) |
Grammar, Description and Teaching | Discuss linguistic description, i.e. observation and analysis of the reality of a language, as a fundamental aspect of language and grammar teaching. Discuss the contribution of the description and analysis of the grammar of a language, in its various theoretical currents, to language teaching |
Profa. Dra. Antônia Fernanda (UFPA) |
Linguistic Variation and Teaching | Discussing multilingual, age, school, geographic and social education, i.e. diatopic variations (geographic), diachronic variations (historical), diastratic variations (social groups), diaphasic variations (formal vs. informal) |
Prof. Dr. Alcides Fernandes Lima (UFPA) Profa. Dra. Carmen Lúcia Reis Rodrigues (UFPA) |
Text and Teaching | Discuss the conceptions of text, considering the formal aspects of linguistic studies, focusing on the functional, pragmatic aspects, based on textual linguistics and discursive studies |
Prof. Dr. Welton Diego Lavareda (UFPA) |
Discourse and Teaching | To study the contributions of discursive theories to the development of strategies for improving language teaching. Different strands of the field of discursive studies are considered, emphasizing the proposals of French scholars (Foucault, Pêcheux, Maingueneau, Charaudeau, etc.) |
Prof. Dra. Maria do Rosário Gregolin (UNESP) Prof. Dr. Marcus Vinicius da Silva (UFRR - Application College) Profa. Dra. Selma Abdalla (UFNT) |
Dialogism and Teaching | To discuss the teaching and learning of language practices (orality, reading, text production and linguistic/semiotic analysis), under the bias of dialogism, based on the dialogical conception of language and its sociological, evaluative, cultural and ideological approach, proposed by Bakhtin's Circle. Research from the analysis of utterances and/or proposals for teaching activities and/or results of classroom implementations, in the light of Applied Linguistics or other strands, will be considered |
Profa. Dra. Márcia Cristina Greco Ohuschi (UFPA) Profa. Dra. Ângela Francine Fuza (UFT) |
Language, Cultural Production and Teaching | Studying the relationship between language studies and other ways of realizing language, pointing out the relationship between language and semiology, emphasizing language as a representation of the world, body language. From there, reflecting knowledge about language with the various other ways in which language manifests itself in the culture of the body/dance, sound/music, visual arts, theater, etc |
Prof. Dr. Marcos André Dantas da Cunha (UFPA) |
Teaching language and literature: developing teaching materials | Discuss the development of didactic materials in their different forms (games, didactic sequences and trails) that enable the development of more reflective and critical learning, both in relation to the specific contents of a given area of knowledge and in relation to the reality of the subjects involved in the school context |
Profa. Dra. Zilda Laura Ramalho Paiva (UFPA) |
Reports on experiences that fit the proposal of the Proposing Group (as described in the topic description) will be presented in a round table format. Each work will have up to 10 minutes for socialization and a further 5 minutes for contributions from the Round Table participants. At the end of the session, the group will jointly organize a brief written document (outlining policies for schools) to be forwarded and reported in plenary
The 1st CLLIMAZ and 2nd Letras Vivaz will bring together the proposals from all the sessions of the Proposals Groups to create a general document that will be sent to the management bodies of basic education at municipal, state and federal level, in order to effectively contribute to public educational policies
Topics of interest |
Topic Description |
Coordinators |
Language Teaching Considering Amazonia | Debating biodiversity, sustainability, climate, environmental imbalance (fires, deforestation, agrarian, ethnic and cultural violence) |
Profa. Dra. Marcela Vecchione Gonçalves (UFPA) Profa. Dra. Marilena Loureiro da Silva (UFPA) Profa. Emilly & Prof. Marcos (Coordination of environmental education at SEDUC/PA) |
Language Teaching Considering Inclusion | The debate around the inclusion of minorities, those who suffer the most discrimination and prejudice, as well as the absence and denial of opportunities for dignity and citizenship |
Profa. Dra. Marian dos Santos Oliveira (UESB) Profa. Dra. Nair Daiane de Souza Sauaia Vansiler (UFPA) |
Language teaching Considering ethnic and cultural heterogeneity | Debate Brazilian and Amazonian cultural singularities, considering the spaces of difference in the Amazonian continental and fluvial territory as well as what is produced within these spatialities, in a direct dialog between ways of life and economic and sustainable models within the places of production of knowledge |
Language Teaching Considering Linguistic Heterogeneity | Discussing plurilingualism in Brazil and the Amazon, highlighting the various languages, not only colonial ones that have been established in Brazil, but also the linguistic diversity that has been interdicted by power relations that point to the need to think about decoloniality at school. Hence the hundreds of Amazonian languages and the language policies that have been implemented. It also highlights the relationship between language diversity and variation/change as intrinsic characteristics of human languages |
Profa. Dra. Marília Fernanda Pereira de Freitas (UFPA) |
Language teaching Considering cultural manifestations | Debate the various cultural practices through Language Teaching, with a focus on the manifestations of diversity and identity in school spaces |
Prof. Dr. Márcio Oliveiros Alves da Silva (UEPA) Profa. Dra. Cintia Maria Cardoso (UFRA) |
Language Teaching Considering Quilombola Education | Discuss quilombola communities as spaces of resistance for black ethnic groups, considering the historical relations of slave exploitation that were violently constructed by the historic Eurocentric, colonizing movement. |
Prof. Dr. Assunção Amaral(UFPA/CASTANHAL - PEDAGOGY) |
Language Teaching Considering Indigenous Education | To debate language studies considering indigenous ancestry as a constituent of a way of living in a relationship of implication with a way of living decoloniality, implicating itself in Amazonian biodiversity |
Profa. Dra. Rosimar Regina Rodrigues de Oliveira (UNEMAT) Profa. Antônia Zelina Negrão de Oliveira (UEPA) |
Language Teaching Considering Social Movements | To debate language studies, considering social movements as essential to the transformative diversity of language; thinking of movements in society as necessary to seek out the differences in Brazilian and Amazonian society |
Profa. Dra. Joselene Ferreira Mota (UFPA) |
Language Teaching Considering Brazilian Regional Differences | Debate and make visible the differences and the reasons for them in the various regions that make up Brazil, thinking that differences are historically constructed by various orders of power, resulting from knowledge about the world |
Educational Products, Educational Resources or Pedagogical Intervention Proposals developed within the scope of the Professional Master's Degree in Letters in a national network (ProfLetras) or another Professional Master's Degree Program in Letters authorized by CAPES will be presented. Each paper will have up to 15 minutes to be presented, in the Oral Communication format, and at the end there will be a debate on the papers presented in the session, mediated by the group coordinators
Topics of interest |
Topic Description |
Coordinators |
Literature, Memory and Teaching | Educational products/resources that point to implications between literature and memories of life, of the past, of childhood (which is present) in teaching |
Profa. Ma. Zilmara Soares de Brito (Graduate of PROFLETRAS/SEDUC) |
Sociolinguistics, Pedagogy of Variation and Teaching | Educational products/resources anchored in different branches of Sociolinguistics; Pedagogy of diastratic, dysphasic and diatopic linguistic variation, as foundations of Portuguese language teaching, for the understanding of linguistic and social factors involved in the process of variation. |
Prof. Me. Vandeberg Pereira Araujo (Graduate of PROFLETRAS/SEMED - PHO/IFMA) |
Linguistic description, Teacher Training and Teaching | Educational products/resources that include linguistic description and its approach in Portuguese language teaching, based on theoretical perspectives that lead students to reflect on the structure/form and functioning of language. |
Prof. Dr. Ronaldo Nogueira de Moraes (Graduate of PROFLETRAS/SEDUC) |
Language Practices, Inhabited Space and Teaching | Educational products that include one or more language practices (reading, orality, textual production, linguistic/semiotic analysis), considering the subjects inserted/implicated thus constituting and constituting the inhabited space, in the context of Portuguese language teaching |
Profa. Ma. Glauce Correa Antunes (Graduate of PROFLETRAS/PhD student at PPGL/SEDUC/SEMEC - Belém) |
Literature, Culture and Teaching | Educational products/resources that focus on literature in relation to the diversity of positions, cultural manifestations. The possibility of proposing culture as a way of constructing languages about the world: literature as a potential form of language for materializing cultural expressions. |
Profa. Ma. Adenilza Nunes Soares da Silva (Graduate of PROFLETRAS/PhD student at PPGL/SEMED - São Miguel do Guamá) |
Discourse Genres, Multilingualism and Teaching | Educational products/resources that address the work with discursive genre(s) and focus on the possibilities of reading and producing multimodal texts, using multimedia that activate different producer/reader skills in the Portuguese language teaching process |
Prof. Me. Adriano Nascimento Silva (Graduate of PROFLETRAS/SEMED - Santo Antônio do Tauá) |
Discourse Studies, Subjectivation and Teaching | Educational products/resources that address the discursive formations constituted by the possibilities of knowledge/power, understanding the subjects in the process of objectivity/subjectivity> Educational products that point to the construction of subjectivity determined by interactive, interlocutive relationships |
Prof. Me. Rafael dos Santos Lopes (Graduate of PROFLETRAS/SEMED - Curralinho) |
Inclusive Scenarios, Education and Teaching | Educational products/resources that address inclusion scenarios for children, students, subjects and people with disabilities. The products/resources should outline proposals that think of the school as an inclusive setting that seeks to integrate differences, above all by overcoming limiting and discriminatory prejudices |
Profa. Ma. Lucinete Rodrigues Tavares Almeida (Graduate of PROFLETRAS/SEMED - Castanhal) |
Literary Studies, Art and Teaching | Educational products/resources that address literary studies as a form of artistic manifestation that enhances the fullest expression of the senses and the apprehension of time and space |
Prof. Me. Claudemir Almeida da Paes (Graduate of PROFLETRAS/SEMED - Breves) |
The Interfaces of Visual, Sound and Verbal Languages | Educational products/resources that reflect a semiological perspective, emphasizing the interface of signs perceived by visual and sound perceptions and mediated by verbal language, by the linguistic system, in written form. |
Profa. Ma. Tatiara Rodrigues Ferranti (Graduate of PROFLETRAS/SEMED - Moju) |
It must be submitted in PDF format (.pdf), in Times New Roman font, size 12, with 1.5 line spacing. It should be written in a single paragraph (no paragraph opening), with justified alignment. The page should have top and bottom margins of 2.5 cm and right and left margins of 3 cm
Located on the first line of the page; in bold; centered; capitalized
Located on the second line of the page; in bold; centered; lowercase
Located on the third line after the title; aligned to the right; full name, only the first letters of each name in capital letters, without bold. Place the institution of origin one line below. Insert the contact e-mail address below. If there is more than one author, each name should follow the same model. If the advisor is a co-author of the abstract, his/her name should appear as the author, with the mention that he/she is the advisor
It should appear on the third line after the author(s) name(s) and contain between 250 (two hundred and fifty) and 300 (three hundred) words. Do not include images, graphics or bibliography at the end. Bibliographical references in the body of the abstract should be indicated in brackets, in the format (Author, year)
Located at the end of the abstract, on the second line after the body of the text. Indicate 3 to 5 keywords, separated by semicolons. Only the first letter of each keyword should be capitalized. You can use expressions, i.e. more than one word, as a keyword. Examples: "Discourse analysis", "Basic education"